Sunday, March 13, 2011

GB Tran got in touch with us...

And while you all are waiting for the next episode, he gave us permission to post his e-mail of praise.

"... just wanted to thank you for choosing VIETNAMERICA as the next comic book of the month discussion! Considering your picks so far, it's quite an honor. Please lemme know if there's anything I can do to help fuel the impending dialog, and look forward to your thoughts. (And by 'look forward', I mean cringing with nervous apprehension of my work going under the microscope of people far more articulate and well-read then myself!)... I thought your discussion on HEREVILLE was really well balanced: informative, personal, complimentary, and a constructive critique—so regardless of how VIETNAMERICA goes down, it's as-they-say 'just nice to be nominated.'"
-GB Tran

We don't want to tell you too much about what we thought of VITENAMERICA before hand, but we will say that he easily belongs in the company of the previous authors we've featured (all two of them).

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