Friday, November 30, 2012

Episode 20: Hereville Book 2

Chris, Dylan, and Vicky discuss the second book in Barry Deutsch's Hereville saga. Does it live up to the first book? Will Chris and Dylan shut up about their tablets? Listen and find out!

If you haven't read the first book in this series, and you are a fan of Princeless, you really should grab a copy. Makes a great gift this holiday season.

Speaking of Princeless, Jeremy Whitley & Action Lab Entertainment were kind enough to share the first 5 pages of volume 2 with us. It's in this month's Previews, so badger your local comic book shop and demand they order a copy for you!

Watch for our interview with Jeremy and Emily C. Martin in the next few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. You know, I had never heard of Mark Kistler before (or if I did, I've forgotten). But I just looked at a few of his drawings online, and I can see a resemblance.

    And yeah, I just plain like drawing ribbons. :-)

    Thanks for the podcast! I enjoyed listening to it. I especially enjoyed hearing you guys discuss the layouts, since I always wonder "will anyone even notice?" when I do stuff like that.

    Alas, given how long it takes me to write and draw, I'm afraid that Hereville 3 (which involves babysitting) won't be out anytime in 2013.

    I'll look forward to scheduling that interview!

